Wabash Valley EPDM Roof Replacement in Farina, IL

PO Box 265, 501 Chestnut St, Farina, IL 62838

Mid-State Construction & Roofing helps Farina, IL area businesses with their EPDM roof replacement needs. From specifications to completed installations and follow-up inspections, Mid-State Construction & Roofing is focused on one goal – maximizing your roofing investment by offering superior service that extends the life of your roof and lowers its life cycle costs.

Business/Customer: Wabash Valley

Square Footage: 3000 square feet

What Was Wrong: The roof was old and damaged.

What We Did: Tear off of EPDM ballasted roof and replace with Carlisle EPDM fleeceback with a 20 year warranty.

Free Professional Roof Inspection-

Complete the form below to claim your quality roof inspection, and protect your investment today. No fees, gimmicks, or tricks. Our gift to you and your investment.