7 Signs You May Need a Roof Replacement

The roofing industry is currently worth approximately $52.2 billion. As a homeowner, this means that you have many options for expert advice on roof replacement.

It’s difficult to know when you need to repair or replace your roofing, but it’s critical to the well-being of your home. Read on to learn some signs that it’s time to call in the experts to work on your residential roof.

1. It’s Reached Its Maximum Lifespan

Every roof has an expiration date. How quickly or slowly this day comes will depend on the materials used.

Asphalt roofing shingles are the most popular roofing material and replacements are necessary every 15-20 years. If your roof shows no signs of decay, you will just need to get it looked at around the 15-year mark. Experts can tell you whether you need a full replacement or simply need to renovate certain areas.

Metal roofs are designed to last for about 50-75 years. You’ll need to get an inspection around the 50-year mark if this describes your home. However, it’s best to check it out after 15-20 years just in case.

It’s possible that you will need to get a replacement roof before its full lifespan, however. Weather conditions and regular wear and tear can damage shingles. Make sure to stay alert and look for other signs that your roof requires remodeling.

2. There Was a Recent Storm

No, we don’t mean a light drizzle or even a heavy snowfall. Illinois is notorious for heavy winds and tornadoes that should inspire roof-related action. This is especially true if your area sustained the brunt of the storm damage.

Hail is another natural phenomenon that you’ll want to get your roof looked at after. Looking at your roof post-hailstorm can help you get new shingles that stop water leakage and moisture from entering your home. If hail has cracked or warped any shingles, renovations are required ASAP.

3. You See Visible Leaks

Leaks in your ceiling are the most obvious and important call to roofing renovations. At some point in your home’s lifespan, you’re going to find a wet spot on the ceiling under your roof. This is problematic, especially if it’s actually dripping into your living space.

Leakage is caused by weakening and rotting shingles. When your roof is weak, water can seep through cracks. If you don’t look at leaks ASAP, they’ll only become bigger and require more shingles to be replaced, so it’s best that you fix small leaks while they’re still small.

Assuming that your home has an attic, take all safety precautions and go up there once in a while. Check for leaks that haven’t seeped through the attic floor and into visible areas. This can prevent future damage to your furniture, flooring, and belongings.

4. There Is Moisture and Water Damage

Water leakage doesn’t only appear in the sign of visible or audible dripping. It also comes in the form of water spots on your ceiling or on the walls of your home. These water spots may also look like streaks or stains in some cases.

Sometimes water can enter your home via a plumbing issue such as a burst pipe. However, if the moisture seems to be coming from above, it’s best to investigate the problem. Bringing in an expert can give you peace of mind since you’ll know that you didn’t miss anything in your inspection.

5. Your Roofline Is Sagging

In addition to water damage, a weak roof can also change the shape of your home. Many rooflines dip, curve, and warp when shingles weaken. Visible sagging usually happens because you have a roof deck that’s succumbing to water impact, so you might need to replace the entire thing.

A sagging roof is one of the most severe problems that your home can experience. It can eventually lead to a cave-in that fully damages multiple areas of your home. Cave-ins are also a huge safety risk since the heavy foundation could crush you.

6. You See Moss or Mold

Speaking of severe issues, don’t hesitate to call in an Illinois roof replacement service if you see unwanted growth on your roof. Namely, moss, algae, and mold can grow between the shingles. This will usually be visible from the ground if the problem is severe enough.

Mold and other dampness-related growth can cause severe health issues when the issue worsens. Getting your roof looked at when you see moss can help you protect your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This is especially important because moldy water will eventually leak into your attic or even your living space.

7. Shingles Have Obvious Problems

Foliage isn’t the only visible problem that your roof might have. There are several other things that you may notice as well:

  • Missing shingles in certain areas of your roof
  • Loose shingles (that may blow away soon)
  • Cracked areas of your roof
  • Curling or warping shingles
  • Damage in areas surrounding your chimney/skylights
  • Damage and discoloration near vents

When you get home from shopping trips or head outside, take a cursory upward glance at your roof. Make sure that it appears normal and intact. This short, nearly effortless action could save you from worsening roof issues that become more expensive to fix over time.

Get a Quality Roof Replacement Today

It can be challenging to know for sure when it’s time to renovate your roofing. However, if you suspect leakage or decay, it’s better to be safe than sorry by talking to experts.

Now that you know some of the signs that you should invest in roof replacement, it’s time to get started. We’re committed to helping you get the best roof repair and replacement services in Illinois. Schedule a free roof inspection to learn more about your individual products and to get an estimate.

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