Shingle Replacement: How Long Do Shingles Last?

You’ve probably heard the saying “at least we have a roof over our heads.”
A roof is an important feature of your home that withstands the elements of the weather and surrounding environment. But what happens when those elements become too much?

Recognizing the condition of your roof, gauging when you need a shingle replacement, and learning about how to increase your roof’s lifespan with simple maintenance can save you time and money in the long run, as well as keep your home looking great!

Keep reading this guide to find out all there is to know about your roof’s longevity, the factors that affect your shingled roof, and when you should consider replacing or repairing your shingles.

What Is the Lifespan of Your Roof?

Asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material used today in America. The two most common asphalt shingles that can be found on homes are 3-tab and dimensional shingles.

3-tab shingles have three asphalt tabs on each shingle and are designed in a flat layer that fits together like puzzle pieces. Dimensional shingles are also known as laminate shingles. They come in different shapes and sizes, are thicker than 3-tab shingles, and provide an interesting pattern when put together.

3-tab shingles come with a 25-year warranty, while dimensional shingles come with a 30-year warranty. However, these lifespans depend on a variety of factors:

  • Using correct roofing principles during installation
  • Having proper attic ventilation in your home
  • Hiring a reputable roofing contractor
  • The amount of extreme weather your roof is exposed to
  • Proper annual roof maintenance

By taking these factors into account, you can prolong the lifespan of your roof and avoid a variety of problems down the road!

When Roof Shingles Need Repairs

Repairing shingles is the more cost-friendly option to take when addressing the smaller problems of your roof. But first, you need to take into account the age of your roof and how long you are planning to stay in your home before you make a decision.

If you are planning on selling your home in the future and the roof is bad, then it might be a good idea to just replace it so you have an easier time selling it. However, if you are planning on staying in the home for a while, and the roof has already had regular repairs, you should just find a regular maintenance plan to follow and continue making repairs.

If any of the following problems have occurred, then you should see out a roof repair rather than a replacement:

  • Missing shingles
  • Damaged or torn shingles
  • Leaks around the pipe boot or chimney
  • Punctures or holes
  • Shrinkage
  • Splitting
  • Cracking or blistering

When you experience any of these minor damages, there is no need to replace the whole roof. Just making some repairs, and keeping up with a regular maintenance plan can be a great option and can save you a large amount of money.

When Shingle Replacement Is Needed

Sometimes shingle repair is not enough to solve the problems of your roof, and a roof replacement is needed.

Once your roof is reaching the end of its lifespan, your roofing materials are failing due to poor roof installation or attic ventilation, or your roof is hit by extreme weather, it is time to consider replacing the shingles.

If any of the following problems have occurred, then you should see out a roof replacement rather than a repair:

  • Older bald shingles that have lost their granules due to being overly exposed to UV rays
  • Older cracked shingles that have been overly exposed to UV rays
  • Hailstorm damage includes loss of granules and cracks and leaves your roof open to water infiltration
  • Strong storm winds that have blown away shingles, or bent and curled shingles
  • Leaking water and water spots that damage a roof’s deck, insulation, or drywall

While replacing shingles on your roof can be more expensive, it has the benefits of increasing your home’s curb appeal and solving some major problems you might have been experiencing.

Follow a Roof Maintenance Checklist

It’s always a good idea to practice proper maintenance of your roof, even if you aren’t yet needing a shingle replacement or repair. By taking care of your roof, you are saving yourself time and money in the future by ensuring your roof has a longer, healthier life.

Follow this checklist to avoid damaging problems that will cost you shingle repairs or replacement in the future:

  • Don’t allow debris to sit on top of your roof and cause mold, moss, and moisture to build up
  • Check your attic for any water leakage stains caused by a roof problem
  • Be on the lookout for missing, loose, or lifted shingles
  • Be sure to replace any loose flashing or hardware as soon as you notice

By following these steps, your roof has a better chance of remaining intact for a longer period and gives you less to worry about! Also, be sure to get your roof inspected and cleaned several times per year as an extra safety precaution.

Find a Roofing Contractor Today

Now you should know a little more about your roof, how to properly maintain it, and when you should seek out any shingle repairs or shingle replacements.

Still, have questions? Check out our FAQ page where we help you find the answers you are looking for to make your life easier.

Looking for a roofing contractor in the Illinois area? Schedule an appointment with us and we will be happy to work with you!

Remember, don’t wait too long to work on a roof that needs fixing! The better care you take of your roof, the longer you’ll have a good roof over your head.

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