Modified Bitumen Roofing: A Guide for Commercial Property Owners

Research shows that the world would only need 50% of solar-paneled roofs to provide enough electricity for the world. But another way to provide more robust and durable roofs is to use suitable materials. 

For example, modified bitumen roofing is an excellent option for increasing the durability of your building and protecting the structure from damage. 

So, you don’t need to replace your roof and waste precious materials constantly.

Yet, not everyone knows about this option of roofing services…

If you want to learn more about bitumen roof sheets and how they can benefit your building, keep reading this article.

Ready? Let’s start with the basics. 

What Is Modified Bitumen Roofing?

Modified bitumen roofing is also referred to as polymer-modified bitumen or rubberized asphalt. It is often used to construct commercial properties that need strong and resilient roofing. 

A modified bitumen roof is a better option than other materials on the market as it’s easy to install and can be used in small and large spaces. This material is reinforced with fiberglass, polyester, or a combination of both. 

Types of Modified Bitumen Roofing

Two main types of modified bitumen roofing are commonly used for roof installations. The first one is APP (atactic polypropylene), a variety of plastic used for a modified bitumen roof system.

APP is a strong choice and is highly resistant to UV radiation and high temperatures, making it ideal for warm regions and buildings exposed to continuous sunlight. 

The other type of modified bitumen roofing is SBS (styrene butadiene styrene), made of synthetic rubber. This material is more elastic than APP and can withstand colder temperatures. 

The main difference between the two varieties of modified bitumen roofing is APP is often used in hot areas, and SBS is used in colder climates. 

So, the choice of modified roofing will depend on the area of the property and the weather conditions.

How To Attach Modified Bitumen Roofing

Once you’ve decided on the type of modified bitumen roofing, you’ll also have to pick the variety of surfacing to go with the material.

It’s essential to have surfacing over the bitumen roofing material as if it’s left unprotected; UV rays and extreme weather conditions can ruin it.

To avoid extra costs, a surfacing coat is needed and will save you time and money in the future. Here are the main options for surfacing modified bitumen roofing:

  • Granule-surfaced Modified Bitumen
  • Foil-surfaced Modified Bitumen
  • Coated Modified Bitumen

A professional can help you identify the right option for your roofing, so it’s essential to hire a company to install modified bitumen roofing. 

So, how can you attach modified bitumen roofing? 

Again, there are several options for attaching this material to a roof. To install this roof structure, a professional will use modified bitumen roof sheets to cover the necessary space. 

The first choice for attaching modified bitumen roofing is torch-applied. 


This method is also called “heat welded,” as it uses propane torches to melt the asphalt under the modified bitumen rolls. This is an effective way to blend the materials and provides a substantial roof structure. 

Although, this can be dangerous, and many people don’t use this method anymore as there’s a high risk of fires.


Alternatively, you can attach modified bitumen roof sheets with hot liquid asphalt and transfer the liquid through mopping. This is ideal for SBS-modified bitumen, but not APP.

This is typically not the most popular choice, as the kettle equipment for making the hot asphalt liquid is not easy to find, and many companies don’t have the correct equipment. 

Cold-Process Adhesive

One of the easiest ways to attach modified bitumen roof sheets is through cold-process adhesives. You can take the adhesives in buckets to the roof and pour them. 

There have been developments so that the adhesive doesn’t give off any toxic fumes or cause problems for people in the buildings. This makes it safe for commercial properties. 


The most recent method of attaching modified bitumen roofing is a self-adhering membrane. This material can be peeled and stuck to the back of modified bitumen roof sheets and placed on a roof.

A professional can use the self-adhering membrane to attach your modified bitumen roof sheets so that you can benefit from this great material. 

Benefits of Modified Bitumen Roof Sheets

This material is estimated to be worth 16.26 billion by 2028. Although the cost for a project will depend on the amount of space and scale of your building.

But another reason to use modified bitumen is that it’s flexible. 

When managing or constructing commercial buildings, you must have flexible materials. You can increase the thickness or include multiple piles of sheets for better insulation. 

Modified bitumen roof sheets are durable and can last years when installed correctly and given careful maintenance checks. You must hire a roofing company that has experience with this material.

That way, you’ll be sure that the roof will be secure and safe. Plus, you won’t need to pay for extra replacement costs. 

You’ll be happy to hear that at Mid-State Construction & Roofing Inc, we have a team ready to install modified bitumen roof sheets on your commercial property. 

Not only will you have a robust and the latest technology supporting your building, but it’s affordable and easy to install with the right team. So, you get the best of both worlds. 

And, you’ll ensure that all the employees and other people in the building are always safe. 

Hire a Professional for Modified Bitumen Roofing

Whether you’re wondering about the modified bitumen roof cost for your property or want to learn more about this material, our team is happy to answer your questions. 

There’s no denying that modified bitumen roofing is the only option for commercial buildings that need a secure structure and can survive extreme weather conditions. 

The great news is that you don’t need to wait long to have modified bitumen roof sheets installed; get in touch today and book an appointment. So, you can enjoy the benefits of modified bitumen roofs as soon as possible. 

Click here to find out more.

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